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18th Convention
Sri Gundoj Nagar
Guests and executive members present at the convention.
Additional and executive members present in the convention
The eighteenth session of Shri Gundesha Bandhu Jain Samaj was held in the courtyard of Shri Rohini Mataji. On 10-11 November 2005, Brother Sh. Swemchand Gulbaji was successfully completed in the arrangement of Gudesha, Kolhapur (Dhur).
The chief guest and inaugurator of this convention was Pali District Collector and District Magistrate Hon’ble Shri S. R. There were avoidance. Mataji Pujavidhi and Aarti Sh. On behalf of Khemchand Gulbaji Gundesha family Sh. Subhash Khemchandji was done in the auspicious hand of Gundesha.
In this convention, the beneficiary of educational donations, Sh. Ashok Leelachandji was Gundesha (Kolhapur) and Sanghvi Bhimraj Umaji was Gudesha (Kolhapur). In this convention, the arrangement of accommodation for all the brothers who had come from the year of India in the Mataji temple complex was done very beautifully on behalf of the organizing family. With great joy, this convention was successful at the feet of the Mother.
The organizers of the convention honoring the powerful country family