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14th Convention
Ranibenur Nagar
Convention organizer Sh. Pukhraj Navmalji Gundesha Family, Ranibenchur Inaugurating the convention Chief Guest Sha.Hukmichand Lalchandji Waghresha-Ranibenur resident… cConvention organizer Sh. Pukhraj Navmalji Gundesha Family, Ranibenchur
In the city of Ranivennar in the state of Karnataka, Dr. Concluded on 5th August 2001. The arrangement of this convention was done by Brother Sh. Pukhraj Navmalji was done on behalf of Gundesha family, Ranibepur (Siana).
The inaugural chief guest Sh. Hukmichand Lalchandni Vapresha, Ranibenchur (Siana) with the lighting of the lamp. Flowers to the mother, brother Sh. Danmal Bagtaji Gundesha was offered in the auspicious hand of Davangere (Thur). Mataji Poojan and Aarti Sh. Pukhraj Navalmalji Gundesha was performed in the auspicious hand of Ranibennur.
The benefit of educational prize offerings in this convention is Sha. Babulal Lalaji Gundesha, Kolhapur and Sha. Kesharimal Hansaji Gudesha, Kolhapur and the prizes were given by the same families.
To make the convention successful, the coordinator Sh. The hard work done by the Pukhraj Navmalji Gundesha family for the hospitality of the society will not be forgotten.
Beneficiary family carrying Mataji’s picture to the convention site.